
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

English Language Challenges

  I expected having English in university to be a headache, but it was fun, entertaining and a good experience. I learned informacion that will be very useful to me in the future. The evaluations were very practical and allowed me to learn new ways to learn English. writing a blog every week helped me to be constant studying this language, it also helped me expand my vocabulary. every time I had to write a new blog I learned new words about the subject of this one and could apply them in other contexts. This was very useful! Before the pandemic I used to occupy a lot of English: at school, to talk to friends and because I liked it, but I use it very little now, only in classes and when I watch series or movies because of this, I have lost the habit of speaking English, now I only listen to it and read so I aim to speak more in English in the coming months until I feel comfortable. I hope that with my previous knowledge, what I learned in this class and those I acquire in the future I c

Changes to my Study Program

  As a first-year journalism student I haven't had a "university experience" yet so it's hard to comment on what I would change from this one but I can comment according to what I have seen and heard: First, I would like the knowledge classes and the practice classes to be better distributed during the years of study, the practices are usually in the upper years and that is why many times the new students are dislucent and abandon the career, because they are only overwhelmed with readings. Second, I would like that in the upper years we could all be "assistants" to the professors, not just some, I would like it to be a rotating job, because it is important that we all learn to teach and we can spend at least a week doing it since it is probably the only opportunity to approach teaching in journalism. Third, although I really like that the University of Chile has a TV studio, radio and many facilities to practice, I would like it to be so in all univer

Time Travel to the Future

Traveling in time seems like a fantastic idea, I have always liked watching movies and reading books about this subject. for the same reason, I’m a little terrified about a trip to the future that   can affect my decisions in the present. We are slaves of time, trapped in the present forever. I would like to travel to the future but with the certainty that my trip will not affect anything, I could go to a future of another timeline (it would be interesting to know how I would be in the future after the decisions I made in that present), it would be less frightening. But if I had to stop imagining so much and travel to "my future" I would go very far, to a future in which there isn’t longer anything or anyone I know now, because I would like to see what the world becames, I don't care what time, but I would really go far. Going so far would help me know if the decisions that the world is making now will have results, I would not stay there, I would return because this wa